Запрошуємо на перший у 2020 році Java Meet-Up, який відбудеться 27 січня!
На вас чекають наступні теми:
Сергій Воронін, Senior Java Software Developer, SoftServe
"What's in the Latest Java" [RU]
In scope of this talk we are going to review the latest developments in Java: how has it changed, what makes a real difference in it. Here we'll discuss nice additions to java, as well as some gotchas that you may face while working with it.
Ілля Баєвський, Senior Java Software Developer, EPAM Харків
"Working with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect in Spring Security" [RU]
Security. The mention of the word will often cause an involuntary groan from the developer who hears it. Nonetheless, security is one of the main concerns the modern application. On our meetup, we will talk about two close protocols OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect 1.0, discuss the difference between them and also try to implement simple applications that use them using Java and Spring Security.
На вас чекають докладні та структоровані доповіді з livecoding-сессією від Іллі Баєвського.
18:00 - 18:30 Реєстрація та кава
18:30 - 19:50 Сергій Воронін, "What's in the Latest Java"
19:50 - 19:10 Кавоперерва
19:10 – 20:30 Ілля Баєвський, Senior Java Software Developer, EPAM Харків
"Working with OAuth2 and OpenID Connect in Spring Security"