
To Bundle, or to Unbundle: that is the question!

Friends, welcome to our new format — UNIT.City evening show Bundle - Unbundle!

A friendly and open conversation with Dominique Piotet, CEO of UNIT.City, a prestigious guest ...and YOU to discuss business “secret sauce” in the innovation world.

At our 1.0 issue on Feb 24 we welcome Andy Baynes, CEO at Global Talent, Investor, Entrepreneur, Former Apple & Google Executive!


“There are only two ways to make money in business: one is to bundle; the other is unbundle.” Jim Barksdale, former CEO and President of Netscape.

These two opposite strategies helped build the largest and most successful companies of the new era. But what does it mean?

To bundle is to create extra value by combining multiple small offers into one large offer. The more offers contained in a bundle, the higher the Perceived Value of the bundle will be. Unbundling comes as the opposite and means splitting an offer into multiple smaller offers. Bundling and unbundling is a simple and powerful image of how to create value for different customers without having to create something new!

Spotify in music, Netflix in video, and Amazon in eBooks — are just a few examples of how a new type of companies came to dominate the market through bundling and unbundling.

At times fun, at times fierce, yet always friendly and engaging, Bundle - Unbundle meetings are meant to empower local tech and creative leaders. For that Dominique Piotet invites prominent entrepreneurs and CEOs of tech sector from all over the world to have honest, disruptive, yet super inspiring interviews!

  • How did they succeed in business? By bundling and by unbundling?
  • What is the meat of their success story?
  • Which new business models we can expect in the near future?

Dominique Piotet joined @UNIT.City as CEO in 2019 with a truly disruptive vision: to put UNIT.City on the map of global tech hotspots. Dominique is a digital transformation expert and leader, with a 20+ year proven track record in strategy and operational digital transformation for Fortune 500 companies. Serial Silicon Valley entrepreneur, international speaker and author.

This time Dominique welcomes Andy Baynes, CEO of Global Talent. Andy spent 12 years at Apple, working by the side of Steve Jobs and Tim Cook. In 2010 he left together with Tony Fadell, a former Senior Director of iPod development. Together they built a smart thermostat for Nest – the company, which was bought by Google for $3.2 billion in 2014. Now Andy lectures at Stanford and Berkeley.

Language: English.

Time and Date: 19:00, February 24th.

Location: UNIT Core event hall, UNIT.City, 3 Dorohozhytska St., Kyiv.

Registration: https://2event.com/uk/events/1856790

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Andy Baynes onerror=
Andy Baynes

CEO at Global Talent, Investor, Entrepreneur, Former Apple & Google Executive

Dominique Piotet onerror=
Dominique Piotet

CEO of UNIT.City, Investor, Digital transformation leader for Fortune 500 companies







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