
Реєстрація закрита!

EPAM DevOps Community запрошують на черговий DevOps Meet-Up у Дніпрі, який відбудеться 18-го березня.

На зустрічі розглянемо наступні теми:

Oleksii Burdash, Senior Systems Engineer, EPAM

Topic: "AWS CDK - Building cloud applications and managing resources with your favorite programming language on top of AWS technologies stack" [RU]

In this presentation, we'll talk about provisioning in general with open-source solutions and review the latest tools that were built from the AWS team recently.

Volodymyr Brodskyi, Senior Systems Engineer, EPAM

Topic: "Brief history of virtualisation" [RU]

A brief history of virtualisation from mainframe to Cloud with short stops near hypervisors, virtual machines and containers. Another attempt to organize the diversity of solutions and find clues to take a decision: VM, container or something else.

Oleh Kasian, Systems Architect, EPAM

Topic: "Understanding SLA, best practices and worst fails" [RU]

Describes good and bad approaches to setting up SLA with real life examples. Shows off systems engineer role in setting and reaching SLA.


18:00 – 18:30 Реєстрація та кава

18:30 – 19:10 Oleksii Burdash, "AWS CDK - Building cloud applications and managing resources with"

19:10 – 19:30 Перерва на каву

19:30 – 20:10 Volodymyr Brodskyi, "Brief history of virtualisation"

20:10 – 20:20 Перерва

20:20 - 21:00 Oleh Kasian, "Understanding SLA, best practices and worst fails"

Локація: ЦеХаб (пр. Яворницького, 58, другий поверх магазину Цитрус)

Вартість: 150 грн*

*Грощі будуть передані на благодійні проекту фонду Карітас у Дніпрі

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ok)) give me a minute...
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