
Have you missed us? We definitely miss everyone. All this remote thing is great, comfy, timesaving and everything, but GOD, when does it stop?! Borders wide open, people traveling all over the globe, timely online orders back on track. Ah, well….

Back to reality. We gather Ruby enthusiasts online! And we have a perfect occasion, as one of our speakers has gladly agreed to hold a webinar in September!

Please welcome Jonas Jabari!

Jonas has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and originally was building physical machines. Later he realized that implementing software is even more fun. Fell in love with Rails, learned AngularJS and node.js. At some point ended up as CTO for Almondia, a German housing startup, and built quite a big system in Rails, using classic Rails views and some Angular apps consuming the Rails JSON API, but thought UI development should be easier. Therefore founded the software startup "matestack”, developed the technology called "matestack-ui-core" and published it on Github. Matestack wants to simplify web development.

Topic: Escape the frontend hustle & easily create interactive web apps in pure Ruby with matestack!

What is matestack?

Matestack provides a collection of open-source gems made for Rails developers. Matestack enables you to craft interactive web UIs in pure Ruby without JavaScript with minimum effort. UI code becomes a native and fun part of your Rails app. You end up writing 50% less code while increasing productivity, maintainability, and developer happiness. Work with pure Ruby. If necessary, extend with pure JavaScript. No Opal involved.

What will we do during the webinar?

We will cover the basics of matestack and create a small todo-list app in a live coding session. If you want to follow along, make sure to have a fresh, working Rails 6 app with webpacker installed on your device. Looking forward to answer your questions!

Hope to see you all on 16th of September, 19:00!

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Hey. Yes of course. This is my favorite band. just tell me a little about yourself first
ok)) give me a minute...
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