Math.random(). The engineering community.
We are the community of software engineers connected around JS-based stack of technologies. The main goal is to gather together people and share knowledge between them. We are going to deep dive into interesting areas of information technologies, development process, popular frameworks.
The Topics and Schedule
18:30 - 19:00 Welcome coffee & networking
19:00 - 20:00 The Mythical Senior Developer. Martin Chaov, Software Architect @SBTech (Language: English)
20:00 - 20:30 Coffee break
20:30 - 21:30 Mentor it, blog it, talk it, record it. Oleksandr Poshtaruk, Senior front-end developer @ITecGurus (Language: Russian)
All proceeds from the sale of tickets to this event will go to Charitable Foundation Blagomay for one of their programs - «WOW Kids Camp»: educational camp for 30 children from orphanages scheduled for February. You are free to choose the size of your donation.
MARTIN CHAOV, Software Architect @SBTech. I know some stuff about software, mainly where it can hurt you the most :) I've been working in the IT industry since 2006, and started sharing my experience on different topics at events in 2013.
You can often find me speaking about:
- Architecture
- SOLID principles
- Effective teams
- Software design
TOPIC: The Mythical Senior Developer
A story about the never ending professional journey, alcohol, unicorns, cynicism, egos, bubbles, and hurt feelings.
Why copy/paste practices are not going to make you invaluable, but thinking and working hard would? - In this talk we are going to explore the habits that make or break professionals.
The talk is based on my personal experiences dealing with professionals in the software and other industries, over the past ~15 years or so. Although it is based on personal experiences and insights I am going to support the thesis by referencing some of the works of people like: James Carse, Carl Jung, Jordan Perterson, Simon Sinek, Dale Carnegie, and others.
OLEKSANDR POSHTARUK, Senior front-end developer @ITecGurus. Oleksandr Poshtaruk - front-end dev. Last 3.5+ years I've been working in commercial projects heavily using Angular framework and RxJS library. Writer for 'Angular-in-Depth' blog. National JS conference speaker. "Hands-on RxJS" and "RxJS unit testing" Udemy video-courses author. "Angular can waste your time" youtube series v-blogger.
TOPIC: Mentor it, blog it, talk it, record it
Senior Support Engineer or Junior Software Engineer? What would you choose? I made my decision 4 years ago in EPAM - and want to tell you the details of how to make your career path fearfully interesting and kill the boredom. My formula is "Mentor it, blog it, talk it, record it". What is hidden behind these words? How media activity can reinforce your development skills and open new opportunities? This is what you will find out from my talk.