On your numerous kind requests, we’re thrilled to welcome Masaaki Hasegawa, a Japanese artist, author and speaker in UNIT.City again.
"Imagination first, action second".
We know how to "execute orders" and "optimize the past." However, nowaday we live in the age of creation and creativity is one of the most important elements to accelerate innovations. In this lecture, Masaaki will advocate a paradigm shift in our approach to creativity: from the behavior-driven approach to imagination-driven.
We will examine:
- Mindset, strategy, and design action: how Masaaki has developed his unique approach “The Art of Making Your Ideas Happen”.
- How to maximize the power of imagination and how to embody your ideas in the physical world.
Will be interesting for: entrepreneurs, creators, artists, designers, students, programmers, big thinkers, inventors and innovators.
Masaaki has already helped thousands of people in over 100 countries including award-winning actors, professional athletes, and business executives, to flourish their creativity.
Come and empower your own potential!
More about the speaker:
Masaaki Hasegawa is the creator of @Creativida, a wisdom platform of over 50 creative minds, business advisor for @Erretres Strategic Design Company, and the ambassador of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy. He is an author of 3 books on creativity, in 3 languages; he will publish his 4th book on Art and Business in Japan with Nir Hindi, one of the most well-known Israeli opinion leaders. Masaaki is an international artist backed by Molotow, a German markers brand. His artwork has been added to the collection of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy, after previously exhibiting in Spain, France, Russia, Israel and Ukraine (UNIT.City).
An online course about creativity, ran by Masaaki, has over 4000 students in 110 countries on Udemy. He is currently represented as a speaker by Thinking Heads, the most prestigious speakers bureau in Spain, to which Richard Branson, Al Gore, and Steve Wozniak also belong. Masaaki has also been invited by IE Business School, CEU San Pablo University, University of Sevilla, European University of Madrid, University of Tokyo, Rikkyo University, Waseda University, Meiji University, International University Japan, Kobe-City University of Foreign Studies, Globis Business School, etc.
Language: English (without translation)
When: 19:00, October 24th, Wednesday
Where: UNIT.Core event hall, B1 Building, UNIT.City, 3 Dorohozhytska St., Kyiv.
Moderator: @Irina Erkan, Creative Producer & Director @Irina Erkan Creative Agency, graphic designer, teacher. The winner of more than 10 Ukrainian and international awards in advertising and design, including the Grand Awarded Creative Producer for Social Advertising (New York, 2015), Gold Awarded Creative Producer for Social Advertising, the UN Award (Kyiv, 2016). Experience in the advertising industry over 20 years.
Get tickets:
400 UAH