Запрошуємо на воркшоп з Віталієм Ковалюком " С# Automation framework: working prototype by 2 days"
What will we learn:
▪️ Build a skeleton of framework
▪️ Add logging implementation (log4net)
▪️ The wrapper of selenium WebElement (Custom simple analog of Selenide)
▪️ Create helpers and extension and custom attributes
▪️ Integrate reporting tool (QTest, or Report Portal or both)
▪️ Set up Selenoid for parallel execution
▪️ Set up Jenkins (only basic) for CI\CD
▪️ ReadyToUse framework )
1. Windows 10 laptop
2. Pre-install Visual Studio (2017 or 2019 free edition)
3. Experience in Manual QC for +1 year or basic knowledge of automation testing on any language
Additional info:
In some cases, we will use ready to use scripts, that could be helpful on your own projects. Also, all codes could be useful in the future.
Study plan:
Day 1:
*All action items include a short presentation with theory. Also before the start, we will have a 1-2h session presentation with general info
1. Create a new project from zero
2. Create a driver factory
3. Create a few POM classes
4. Create a few test cases (DDT and single)
5. Create logging level
6. Create WebElement Wrapper (with logging and waiters)
7. Make parallel execution (local)
*All action items include a short presentation with theory.
Before this part, we will install docker and docker-compose and configure them
1. Set-up Report-Portal and implement a framework part (docker-compose)
2. Set-up Jenkins (docker-compose)
3. Set-up selenoid server and Selenoid balancer (docker-compose)
P.S. This workshop is not about how to make a code or about programming(Such skill could be got only after few months of education), but it's more about how to set up, connect and configure all modules that are required for Automation FrameWork. Yes, we will make new tests, we will create a base FrameWork for automation, and also we will make a parallel execution and others, but it still more about configuring all models. And yes, this Framework will be ReadyToUse skeleton, that could be used on your project too. Also if you are interested in parallelization or CI\CD it will be useful for you too. So let's make it together!)
Спікер: Віталій Ковалюк - QC Automation at SoftServe
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vitalii-kovaliuk-82182366/?originalSubdomain=ua
Час і місце зустрічі:
Дата: 8 та 9 лютого
Початок з 11:00 до 19:00 (два дні по 6 год практики = 12 год навчання)
Ціна: 1200 грн
Місце проведення: м. Львів, ТЦ "Роксолана", пл. Соборна, 6 пов, 20 ауд. (Піднімайтесь ліфтом)
Щоб дізнатись ще більше деталей телефонуйте за номером: +38 (099) 376 65 05 або (098) 903 64 45
Інформаційний Портал Cпільноти: http://www.quality-assurance-group.com/
Cайт Спільноти: http://www.qagroup.com.ua/